Dream. Create. Inspire - A Sketchbook by Lauren Roth

Dream. Create. Inspire - A Sketchbook by Lauren Roth


100lb Paper - 96 Pages

We are all creatives in one way or another, and a sketchbook is a perfect space to express that side of you freely, without any pressure. That was the inspiration behind publishing this book. My sketchbooks have been such an important part of my art journey, I wanted to create something special to help share that space with others.

They are a great place to practice technique and refine your style, or just a place to let loose, play around and have some fun! Each blank page is an endless opportunity for you to express yourself through colors, lines and words. Allow the pages to become a place that is totally and completely just for you. This book is sprinkled with pictures I’ve taken that can be great for sketching or color inspiration, positive quotes, guided drawing tips and rainbow-hued paint splatters to inspire you to bring your ideas to life, and of course plenty of blank pages for creating!

Designed to set your creativity free, make it messy, make it beautiful, and above all, make it you.

** We did have a small hiccup with the cover color, it will be more grey than the grey-ish purple pictured, but still beautiful **

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Tropical Greeting Cards

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